Cultural Diversity December

December 2024 Cultural Diversity Review

Cultural Diversity

After the diversity of religious festivals and notable national days during the previous few months, the focus of December is undeniably one holiday – Christmas. This month we take a deeper look at the day when over two billion people (over a third of the world’s population) will celebrate the birth of Christ.

Featured Holiday in December

December 25: Christmas Day

Under the Julian calendar, the winter solstice was fixed on December 25th, and this date was also the day of the popular roman holiday of Saturnalia, in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture; which was later superseded by Sol Invictus, a day that bundled up the celebration of several sun based gods into one easy to manage festival.

As Christianity began to take a hold across the Roman empire and beyond, the date of when to celebrate the birth of Christ became a bit of an issue, with several different dates proposed.

It wasn’t until 350 AD, when the then Bishop of Rome, Pope Julius I, fixed the official Christmas day on December 25th. Unfortunately Julius I didn’t show his working out on how he reached this date; some scholars later suggested that it was calculated as nine months after the Annunciation (March 25th), when the angel Gabriel is said to have appeared to Mary and told her she would bear the son of God. Whatever the reasoning, it is clear that, just as key pagan sites were being chosen for new churches, so too the date was chosen with the intention to catapult Christmas into becoming a major festival by placing it over the pre-existing pagan festivals.

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Facts about Christmas

  • Alabama was the first US state to legalize the celebration of Christmas. The last state to make Christmas a legal holiday was Oklahoma in 1907.
  • Many parts of the Christmas tree can actually be eaten, with the needles being a good source of Vitamin C.
  • The bestselling Christmas single ever is Bing Crosby’s White Christmas, selling over 50 million copies worldwide since 1942.
  • Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was invented in 1938 by a department store, Montgomery Ward, as a marketing gimmick to get kids to buy holiday coloring books.
  • Jingle Bells was originally a song intended for Thanksgiving.
  • Kissing under the mistletoe is thought to derive from Frigga, the Norse goddess of love, who was associated with the plant.
  • All the gifts in the song ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ would equal 364 gifts.
  • In Icelandic folklore, the Yule Cat (Jólakötturinn) will eat anyone who does not receive new clothes by Christmas Eve!
  • Good King Wenceslas was not a king, he was a Duke

More fun facts about Christmas

Focus on Christmas

Christmas Day around the world

Not all countries celebrate Christmas on Dec 25th, and it is not a public holiday in many countries.

The Orthodox Church recognizes Jan 7th as the day that Jesus was born. The different date from the western tradition of Dec 25th is twofold. Firstly, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII, ruled that the Catholic Church should follow a new calendar – called the Gregorian calendar rather than the Julian calendar which had been established by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. This meant the dates differed by 10 days with Gregorian Christmas on Jan 4th. Secondly, due to the way that leap years differ between the two calendars, Orthodox Christmas has moved forward by another three days since 1582 and is now on Jan 7th.

And more countries than you might think don’t celebrate Christmas at all.

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Oh Christmas tree…

What better way to celebrate the birth of someone who is the basis for one of the world’s greatest religions than by chopping down a tree, sticking shiny things on it and putting it in your living room for a few weeks in December?

This rather strange arboreal custom emerged in the 16th century in Germany. The origins go back further yet, to ancient tree worship and pagan rituals tied to the winter solstice on December 21st.

The most popular and enduring origin for the Christmas tree traditions is that a monk who went on to become St. Boniface, the Apostle of the Germans, appropriated trees for Christmas back in the 7th century, putting a pre-Christian tradition into the service of Christianity.

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Other Notable Holidays in December

December 8: Immaculate Conception

Overshadowed by her son’s birthday, this is still an important holiday in many Catholic countries. For Roman Catholics, this day celebrates the belief that Mary, mother of Jesus, was preserved from original sin all of her life. It is observed as a day of obligation with required church attendance.

The Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation whose meaning is often confused. By the sounds of it, one would think we would celebrate the day Jesus was conceived. On the contrary, it is the day that the Blessed Mother Mary was conceived.

Mary’s mother was St. Anne and her father was Joachim. While they are not mentioned in the bible, their names appear in some very early Christian texts. Anne and Joachim had been a childless couple until an angel appeared telling Anne that she would give birth to a child that the world would honor. Anne became a saint as she offered her child to god’s service.

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December 31: New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Day was fixed at January 1st in 153 BCE, when the two Roman consuls, after whom – in the Roman calendar – years were named and numbered, chose that date, mainly for military reasons.

During the Middle Ages, a number of different Christian feast dates were used to mark the New Year, though calendars often continued to display the months in columns running from January to December in the Roman fashion.

New Year’s Eve is traditionally the time to make New Year’s resolutions, which one hopes to fulfill or abide by in the coming Year; such as stop smoking or drinking alcohol, or lose weight or get physically fit.

“Auld Lang Syne”, written by the Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788, is traditionally sung at midnight on New Year’s Eve. The words auld lang syne mean “times gone by”.

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National Days in December

16 countries have their national days in December. How many people in the company do you know from each country? Remember to wish them a happy national day!

Dec 01Central African RepublicNational Day: Proclamation of the Republic in 1958
Dec 01RomaniaGreat Union Day: unification with Transylvania
Dec 02LaoNational Day: People’s republic declared in 1975
Dec 02United Arab EmiratesNational Day: Formation of federation of seven emirates on independence from the UK in 1971
Dec 05ThailandKing Bhumibol’s Birthday: Birthday of late King Bhumibol Adulyade
Dec 06FinlandIndependence Day: Declaration of independence from Russia 1917
Dec 09TanzaniaIndependence Day: Independence from the UK in 1961 of Tanganyika
Dec 12KenyaJamhuri Day: Marks the date of Kenya’s establishment as a republic on 12 December, 1964
Dec 13Saint LuciaNational Day: Saint Lucia is the Patron Saint of Saint Lucia
Dec 16BahrainNational Day: Accession Day for the late Amir Sh. Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa
Dec 16KazakhstanIndependence Day: Declared sovereign republic within the USSR in 1990
Dec 17BhutanNational Day: Ugyen Wangchuck elected hereditary king in 1907
Dec 18NigerRepublic Day: Autonomous state within the French Community from 1958
Dec 18QatarQatar National Day: The assumption of power of Sheikh Jassem bin Mohamed al-Thani in 1878
Dec 20MacauMacau S.A.R.E. Day: Transfer of sovereignty to the PRC in 1999

Decorate your desktop in December

Bring some seasonal cheer to your video conference calls with our selction of backgrounds that feature Christmas, New Year and other key holidays during the last month of the year.

December Diversity Backgrounds

There is a Day for That!

Throughout the month, there are days set aside to observe all sorts of events, some serious and some not so serious. These days can provide interesting ways to engage employees in diversity issues. The table below shows a selection of these days with some ideas how you could use them within your organization.

1stTime to open your Advent CalendarsPoll: Do you have an advent calendar? Get into the Christmas spirit with our Christmas Quiz.
4thNational Cookie DayFood: Like anyone needs an excuse to bring cookies to the office.
9thChristmas Jumper DayCharity: Have a ‘wear a christmas jumper to work’ Day and support Save the Children.
10thGingerbread House DayPictures: Post your pictures of your Gingerbread houses on the intranet.
26thNational Thank-you Note DayDiscussion: Which colleague most deserves a thank you note this year – and why?
 31stMake Up Your Mind DayPoll: It’s the last day of the year. Are you the sort of person who looks back on what you have done or forward to what you will do?

All observances in December 2024