This year, April showers us with some important holidays. The month starts with Easter Monday, though if you celebrate Orthodox Easter Monday you will have to wait until May 6th. The reasons for the shifting dates are covered below. Ramadan ends with the Islamic festival of Eid al-Fitr. Other notable festivals this month are the Solar New Year festivals. Whether it’s Songkran in Thailand, Pii Mai in Lao or Thingyan in Myanmar, April 14th will be a fun time to be in South-East Asia!
Month info: The word April is rooted in the Latin Aprilis, which is derived from the Latin aperire meaning ‘to open’, which could be a reference to the blossoming of the flowers and trees, a common occurrence throughout the month of April in the Northern Hemisphere. In old English, April was known as Eastre-monath as Easter often falls in April.
Featured Holiday in April
April 10: Eid al-Fitr
The festival of Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Fast breaking, marks the end of Ramadan.
Ramadan is one of the five pillars of the Islamic faith and is sacred to Muslims as it was during this month that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims believe that it was during the month of Ramadan that the text of the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
Muslims celebrate Eid by saying prayers, giving money to the poor, sending Eid greetings and feasting with their families.
The phrase commonly used by Muslims as a greeting on this day is “Eid Mubarak”, which is Arabic for ‘blessed festival’.
Notable Holidays in April
April 1: Easter Monday
Easter (also called Pascha) is generally considered the most important holiday of the Christian year, observed in March or April each year to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead after his death by crucifixion (see Good Friday), which Christians believe happened at about this time of year, almost two thousand years ago. (Easter can also refer to the season of the church year, lasting for nearly two months, which follows this holiday and ends around Pentecost)
The name Easter is derived from ‘Ostara’ or ‘Eostre’, a pagan goddess of fertility, whose feast was celebrated on the Vernal Equinox. The word East is also derived from her names, as is Oestrogen, the female hormone.
Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon whose 14th day is on or after the Vernal Equinox.
April 14: Thailand: Songkran

The word Songkran is from the Sanskrit language and means the passage of the sun from one sign of the Zodiac to another. That means there are twelve Songkrans each year, but the significance of this Songkran (sometimes called Major Songkran to distinguish it from the others) is when the sun enters the sign of Aries the Ram. This particular event was also closely related to the Vernal Equinox.
The most famous aspect of the Songkran celebrations is the throwing of water. Indeed, Songkran is often known as the Thai Water Festival.
The custom originates from spring cleaning aspect of Songkran. Part of the ritual was the cleaning of images of Buddha. Using the ‘blessed’ water that cleaned the images to soak other people is seen as a way of paying respect and bring good fortune.
April 25: Australia: Anzac Day

In 1915 Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. The plan was to capture Constantinople (now Istanbul), capital of the Ottoman Empire and an ally of the Germans. They landed at Gallipoli on April 25th, meeting fierce resistance from the Turkish defenders.
The assault rapidly became a stalemate, dragging on for 8 months. By the end of 1915 the allied forces were evacuated after both sides had suffered heavy casualties. Over 8,000 Australian soldiers were killed. News of the landing at Gallipoli made a profound impact on Australians back at home and April 25th became the day on which Australians remembered the sacrifice of those who had died in war.
April 27: South Africa: Freedom Day
The day celebrates freedom and commemorates the first democratic post-apartheid non-racial elections that were held on April 27th 1994, which saw Nelson Mandela elected as President.
The 1994 elections were the first time everyone of voting age of over 18 from all race groups, including foreign citizens permanently resident in South Africa, were allowed to vote. Under the apartheid regime, non-whites had limited voting rights.
Freedom Day is the National Day of South Africa and is a day of glory and remembrance for all South Africans that marks the end of the period of colonialism and Apartheid.
National Days in April
10 countries have their national days in April. How many people in the company do you know from each country? Remember to wish them a happy national day!
Country | Date | Remarks |
Cyprus | Apr 1 | Cypriot National Day: Marks the start of insurgence against the British in 1955 |
Senegal | Apr 4 | National Day: Marks independence and the transfer of power agreement signed with France on 4 April 1960 |
American Samoa | Apr 17 | Flag Day: On 17 April 1900 American Samoa became a U.S. Territory |
Syria | Apr 17 | Evacuation Day: Commemorating the evacuation of the last French soldier and independence on April 17, 1946 |
Zimbabwe | Apr 18 | Independence Day: Recognition of independence from the United Kingdom in 1980 |
England | Apr 23 | St George’s Day: St George is the patron saint of England, not a bank holiday |
Netherlands | Apr 27 | Kings Birthday: Marks the birthday of King Willem Alexander. |
Sierra Leone | Apr 27 | Independence Day: Marks independence from the UK on 27 April 1961 |
South Africa | Apr 27 | Freedom Day: South Africa’s first democratic general election in 1994 |
Togo | Apr 27 | Independence Day: Independence from the French-administered UN trusteeship in 1960 |
Make April Meetings Memorable
Use these video call backgrounds of key holidays and festivals in April to bring some diversity to your meetings. Click any of the images to see the full selection.
There is a Day for That!
Throughout the month, there are days set aside to observe all sorts of events, some serious and some not so serious. These days can provide interesting ways to engage employees in diversity issues. The table below shows a selection of these days with some ideas how you could use them within your organization.
Day | Observance | Suggestion |
1st | April Fools’ Day | Read: Did you ever fall for an April Fool’s prank? This global tradition has a mysterious past with several theories on why we choose April 1st to play tricks. |
1st | Easter Monday | Put your Easter knowledge to the test with our fun and challenging multiple choice quiz! From the history of Easter to the traditions and symbols associated with the holiday, this quiz covers it all. |
11th | National Pet Day | Poll suggestion: Do you have a pet and what animal is it? |
20th | National Look Alike Day | Post: Do you have a look alike? Or do you think any of your colleagues look like someone famous? Why not have some fun on your team call and encourage them to share their look alike suggestions for the team! |
22nd | Earth Day | Activity: Does your company do anything to mark Earth Day? |
23rd | National Talk Like Shakespeare Day | Did you know? William Shakespeare was born and died on the same date – April 23rd – which is also England’s National Day – St. George’s Day. |
26th | National Arbor Day | Did you know? Arbor Day was almost called “Sylvan Day,” which means wooded and refers to forest trees. “Arbor” was chosen instead as it is more general and includes forest trees and fruit trees. |
For a full list of observances in April 2024, visit